University of Calgary

Publications - 2014


Buddhism in Tibetan History

Apple, James in Poceski, Mario The Wiley Blackwell Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism.

Cowering Gumnetes: A Note on Tyrtaeus Fr. 11.35-38 W

Romney, Jessica

Fragments and Phylogenetics of the Old Tibetan Version of the Avaivartikacakrasūtra from Dunhuang

Apple, James

Fragments and Phylogeny of the Tibetan Version of the Mañjuśrīvihārasūtra: A Case Study in the Genealogy of Tibetan Kanjurs

Apple, James


Toohey, Peter

“Nacido bajo Marte, Mercurio y Apolo: ¿Un posible autorretrato de Cervantes hacia el final del Persiles?”

Schmidt, Rachel

The Comic Character of Confucius

Froese, Katrin

The Irreversible Bodhisattva (avaivartika) in the Lotus sūtra and Avaivartikacakrasūtra

Apple, James

"The Knot Tied with Space”: Notes on a Previously Unidentified Stanza in Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā and its Rhetorical Use.

Apple, James

The Most Precious Possession: The Ring of Polycrates in Ancient Religious Narratives

Segal, Eliezer
Image of The Phrase dharmaparyāyo hastagato in Mahāyāna Buddhist Literature: Rethinking the Cult of the Book in Middle Period Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism.

The Phrase dharmaparyāyo hastagato in Mahāyāna Buddhist Literature: Rethinking the Cult of the Book in Middle Period Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism.

Apple, James

Transvaluing Buddhist Categories of Spiritual Attainment through Semantic Elucidation (nirukti): A Rhetorical Technique in Early Mahāyāna Sūtras

Apple, James
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