University of Calgary

Regionalism and Party Politics in Canada.


Arising from a conference held at the University of Calgary in honour of Mildred Schwartz, Regionalism and Party Politics in Canada brings together current scholarship on regionalism and parties in order to make sense of the transition of the party system. Canada's party system is clearly in a state of flux: we are moving from the two-and-a -half party system that has dominated the country for most of the past century to something new. A look at the current Parliament suggests that regionalism has become the most dominant and important cleavage in Canada. Divided into four sections, the text first examines different approaches to the study of regionalism. It then moves on to the place of regionalism in Canadian society before turning towards regionalism's relationship to the Canadian party system. The volume concludes with an examination of how Canada compare with the rest of the world in terms of the regionalsim of its parties and party systems.
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