University of Calgary

PHYS 341 - Classical Mechanics I - Fall 2015

Forced and damped harmonic oscillations with real and complex numbers; anharmonic oscillators; central force motion and scattering; non-inertial frames; 2- and 3-body problems; applications of linear differential equations and complex numbers.
This course may not be repeated for credit.


  • H(3-3/2)


  • Physics 227 or 321; and Mathematics 211 or 213; and Applied Mathematics 219 or Mathematics 253 or 267 or 277 or 283.


  • LEC 1MWF 16:00 - 16:50
    David Wesley Hobill
    LAB 1R 09:00 - 11:50
    LAB 2R 14:00 - 16:50
    LAB 3R 17:00 - 19:50
    LAB 4W 18:00 - 20:50
This course will be offered next in Fall 2016.
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